Saturday, November 26, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

ISA is a group of international students on campus. They were generous enough to let me join them for a Thanksgiving dinner the night before Thanksgiving. Thank you, all of you, for letting me join you. Thank you, Monica especially, for making the amazing food!

Afterwards some of us helped "Casa Garcia," a restaurant in Anaheim, prepare a huge Thanksgiving dinner which was served the next day to thousands of people in the community.

Thank God for all of my amazing friends, and the countless opportunities He gives me to love and be loved by others!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Do people really read my blog? Weird.

We had a simulation of a certain country in South Asia, a wedding from that country using students from my school, many of them friends of mine. All of them amazing. Here are some pictures from it...

God is awesome. =)